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First Kickstarter game to hit $1M in 2019: Suburbia Collector's Edition
Bezier Games' first Kickstarter of the year is the first game to hit $1 million dollars in pledges in 2019 - and there is still an entire week left! With over 7,000 backers and more than 20 stretch goals achieved, the Suburbia Collector's Edition campaign has left everyone in awe.
In Suburbia, players build their own unique borough while trying to increase their income and population. They use strategic tile-placement to create residential, commercial, civic, and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of neighboring properties. Whoever's borough thrives the most will end up with the highest population, and win the game.
Suburbia Collector's Edition is being released with beautiful new artwork by Brett Stebbins and a ton of upgrades! Oversized tiles, new player colors, and city-specific borough boards are only the beginning; this edition also features several Game TrayzTM organizers, a giant tower to disperse tiles, recessed borough boards, redesigned population board, unique landmarks for each player color, and all existing expansions as well as a brand new one: Nightlife, which has buildings and locations that are more active in the evening hours and dramatic night time artwork.
Those who back the project on Kickstarter will receive even MORE upgrades such as metal coins, upgraded player pieces, wooden interactivity markers, an LED lit start player marker, and much more! The most unique part of the Kickstarter is you have 20 choices to pick your unique 5 player colors, each designed with a different city! Not only will you receive all of these extra goodies, but you will receive it at a discounted price and before it hits retailers! There is only a week left in this campaign, you will want to jump on this one fast!

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